The 30-Day Jumpstart Series

Get The Checklist

This month we are Zora Neale Hurston, walking anthropologists, documenting the healing assets of Black neighborhoods.

Self-Care Scavenger Hunt

The goal: 30 Days.

30 opportunities to walk to locate self care resources. Can you complete 20 walks in 30 days?

You can print this page, hang it on your refrigerator and X out walks as you explore. Old school and fun. Or screen grab this now, use it on your social media stories and find GirlTREK’s footprint stickers to count your walks.

Get the Checklist

Be sure to plan a 30 minute walk to make it an official “trek” and document your journey using #GirlTREK

Claim the Victory

Tell Us when you succeed

When you succeed, tell us at by clicking “Claim the Victory” and we will mail you a pair of golden shoelaces. You will succeed at establishing a life-saving habit of daily walking. Ready to start?

Claim The Victory